Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Organizations that help this Native Community!

Peruvian Organizations:

1.Federación ARPI (Asociación Regional de Pueblos Indígenas)

2.CARE (Central Asháninka del Río Ene)

3.CART (Central Asháninka del Río Tambo)

4.OARA (Organización Asháninka del Río Apurímac)

These organizations help them to protect their territories and also their natural resources.

5. The association ACPC (Asociación para la Conservación del Patrimonio de Cutivireni)

They help in the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of this community.

6. MINSA: Help them by giving them vaccines and medicines to prevent jungle illness like uta, fiebre amarilla, paludismo, dengue, etc.

Other Countries Organizations:

1. Cool Earth: Fight against deforestation, they help them by selling coffee and the 90% of the money goes to the Asháninka.

2.The Rainforest Foundation UK: they give them the resources that are necessary.

--They administrate the things that other countries send to them.

-Help to get the papers, where it says what their lands are.

-They give them information about the health of women and kids.

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