Monday, May 2, 2011

Why are they at risk??

           These are some of the causes that makes Asháninka Native Community be at risk.
           Drug Trafficking:
Foreign people come to their area so they grow and produce coca. For that they need to use a long space so they need to cut the trees down, and a big quantity of chemicals products that are really dangerous for everyone. After they use all of this they just throw the garbage wherever they want.

Andean people occupy the Asháninka territory because they find there more rich grounds or lands for agriculture.

Wood Extraction:
There are some people that illegally cut down the trees and this affect this native community. This causes a lot of trouble because for that they need to cut a lot of trees down so they habitat is destroyed, also the wood extractors need to build roads so they can get out all the wood and this is a big risk for the Asháninka because this roads can make other people be able to enter to their territory.

There are more roads than before and this attracts more people so they can do tours everywhere.

The use of natural resources:
As always there are people that try to take a lot of natural resources from other places that is what is happening to the Asháninka; they don’t have the enough resources to sustain themselves.

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